Jeanette and Rose Feigenbaum letters 1944 Feigenbaum, Jeanette and Rose letters


Jeanette and Rose Feigenbaum letters 1944 Feigenbaum, Jeanette and Rose letters

This collection contains correspondence that Private J. Walter Feigenbaum received from his sister, Jeanette, and mother, Rose, while he served with the United States Army during World War II. The women, who lived in Washington, D.C., wrote of the domestic political situation prior to the 1944 presidential election, shared their opinions on developments in the war, and provided news of family friends.

24 items


Related Entities

There are 6 Entities related to this resource.

Lewis, Clyde (person)

Feigenbaum, Jeanette. (person)

Feigenbaum, Jacob Walter, 1911-1995 (person)

Jacob Walter Feigenbaum was born in Missouri on April 2, 1911, and had at least one sister, Jeanette. Their mother Rose was a Russian immigrant and their father was born in Austria. Jacob, most frequently addressed as "Walter," enlisted in the United States Army before February 1944 and trained at Fort McClellan, Alabama, before being deployed to Europe in the summer of 1944. While in Europe, he became a member of Company C of the 117th Infantry Regiment. His mother and sister lived...

United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 117th (corporateBody)

Feigenbaum, Rose. (person)

United States. Federal Communications Commission (corporateBody)